Polish-Ukrainian meeting house for students, Ukraine

/ mention in an open competition for students (under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Poland and the President of Ukraine) / October, 2009

Małgorzata Dembowska, Krzysztof Moskała, Michał Poziemski, Przemysław Żukowski

The competition for Polish-Ukrainian meeting place for students was held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Poland and the President of Ukraine. The goal of the project was to create a common space for students in the area of Carpathian Mountains in Mikuliczyn (Ukraine). The idea was to create the architecture that fits the scale of the little village of Mikuliczyn. The main volume of the complex was therefore hidden underground. Thus the inner courtyard was created on the level -1. It was to be the heart of the building and main meeting space for students. Thanks to its location it was separated from the area of the village, what could help to avoid a conflict between cheerful but noisy students and a calm, mountainous area.